A Symmetrical Nature: Blues Breathing
Paper art installation, 2022
From July 28 to 30, the artwork appeared and then left at the Modern Art Museum in Shanghai , which is located by the Huangpu River. By coincidence the water and sky collide creates a real symmetrical environment for it, connecting the upper and lower parts of the landscape indoor . The blue pattern texture is reflected by the mirror paper, which often leads to romantic misunderstanding of the audience's sight, while outlining the silver edge of the scenery outside the window.
「对称」是作品永恒的主题与线索。从剪纸的对称性出发,以中心主体作为对称轴,纸张相互勾勒彼此的形状。 当我们步入在层层交错的蔚蓝之中,由矢量与雕刻工艺生成的精确对称线条,却被眼睛接收成一片整体的斑驳图像。
"Symmetry" is the eternal theme and clue of this artwork series. Starting from the symmetry of paper cutting, the central body as the axis of symmetry, the different kind of paper outline each other's shape. When we step into the interleaved blue, the precise symmetrical lines generated by vectors and sculpting techniques are received by the eye as a whole mottled image.
The collaboration between the artist and Bombay Sapphire germinates the innovation of partial structure: Fenwan combines the characteristics of hexagonal elements, adopts a more segmented form of a group of patterns, and uses two different kinds of paper to overlay. They are closely intertwined, and the series of works also explore the growth of internal and external relations in the process of successive changes.
A Symmetrical Nature series has been growing with free vitality in the four years since it was first created by Fenwan in 2019. It is worth mentioning that behind each exhibition of works, different teams engaged in the artistic production and implementation are also becoming more skilled together. Experience and tacit understanding also seem to be a gift accompanied by what we call "series".
Before symmetry:
Blue color sidelights
Once again, the artist’s studio went through a weeks-long blue immersion, with an indescribable mix of the lighter and darker.
Unless otherwise noted, all images on this page are from Wonder Studio.