不息 Infinite
Paper art installation, 2017
Imagination brings people to infinite.
Dragons, hidden and visible, can refer to the word infinite in oriental imagination.
Infinite’s expression language is about space: among the exhibition it needs to consider the symbiosis with each encounter space. The body of the dragon among the steel structure between its flying latent, as if reflecting the invisible part of the view, it is the artist's imagination of infinite in the limited space.
作品中的光纹是龙在空间翻涌的痕迹,也是划开不同介质的门。The light pattern in the artwork is the trace of the dragon in the space, and it is also the door that cuts out different media.
Infinite becomes one of Chen Fenwan’s magnum opus. At the beginning, she hopes to create a continuing work, which could be variable in shape or amount. It inspires her the relationship between point and line, that she creates the structure which combines nodes in different radian as the dragon’s keel. The form of the artwork is therefore unlimited and can perfectly adapt to each exhibition space.
Marks of number are added to record, make each node unique.
As long as there is enough time, these nodes will also be infinite creation, in the infinite space to give birth to a variety of forms, that it is for the endless and there is no end.
33 Contemporary Art Center , Guangzhou, 2019