(括号) 是位于佛山市垂虹社区民居内的,一处轻盈而具有试探性的场所空间,主理人是艺术家陈粉丸。
(KUO HAO) is an in-site and experimental art space where located in the residence of the community of Chuihong, Foshan City. Artist Chen Fenwan acts as the chief manager.
由丸工作室自主筹备历时近半年,名为 (括号) 的艺术性试验场所,于2022年1月1日正式对外开放。
(括号) 是一个轻盈而具试探性的场所,主理人是纸做的艺术家陈粉丸。( ) 留白是待填空的状态,任何概念皆可收纳;这里有买卖,这里批发勇气。
Curated and managed by artist Chen Fenwan and her studio team, a new art space where located in the residence of the community of Chuihong, Foshan City opened at the first day of 2022. Fenwan has been renting an old room in a community nearby her studio and change it new for a series of flexible and located exhibitions. She named it KUO HAO, which means “bracket“ in English, to try for any possibility that could be regarded as irregular of her own style of creation as an artist.
(括号) 在开放之初,就以不囿于陈粉丸常规创作系统的试验性定位,尝试在其展览中探索更多与日常经验及在地性有关的可能性。括号本是一个常用的标点符号,在正文中用以补充说明。而括号在当代的新用法,在句子后快速表达语气、表情、状态,已被吸纳为日常用语和新式礼貌,成为当代社交的试探和勇气。( )在粉丸眼中,意在模拟一道填空题,以此补充自己创作的其他形态。
From the beginning of opening, KUO HAO has been willing to focus on more daily and located substances of the community that are not only related to the artist herself, just as the function of supplementary DESCRIPTION of a bracket add in a sentence.
(括号) 空间内首个展览 —— (打卡诗人) 展曾于2022年1月至5月开放。“打卡诗人”是一个关于文字组合游戏的长期项目,最初由陈粉丸发起,希望通过建立一个类似上班打卡的游戏秩序,在日常生活中保持好奇并寻找随机性。
The first exhibition in the space, the Clock in, Poets, was lasted from January to May 2022. It is a long-term project about word combination games, originally initiated by Chen Fanwan, who hopes to maintain curiosity and find randomness in daily life by establishing a game order similar to punching in at work.
而 (括号) 的第二回展览被命名为 ((借来坐坐)),我们向社区的街坊四邻借来了各种旧椅凳和小故事,并借此基础尝试将“坐”这一动作主题拎出讨论。展期将从2022年7月2起,持续到10月10日。
The second exhibition Can I Have A Sit Here? is now opening. We borrowed various old chairs and their stories from the neighborhood, and tried to discuss "sitting" as a daily habit on this basis. The exhibition are available during July 2, 2022 to Oct 10, 2022.
(借来坐坐) 展览现场。
Exhibiton Can I Have A Sit Here?.
(括号) 正在展出:借来坐坐
展期:2022.7.2 - 10.8
地址:佛山市禅城区垂虹路29号 (括号) 空间
开放时间:展览期间每日12:00-19:00 逢周一闭馆
What’s going on in (KUO HAO) : Can I Have A Sit Here?
2 Jul. 2022 - 8 Oct. 2022
No.29 Chuihong Road, Chancheng District, Foshan, China
12 a.m. -19 p.m. during exhibition (except of every Monday).
详情请关注 Following Us On
Weibo @括号KUOHAO、Red Xiaohongshu @括号、Wechat @丸工作室 。