灵魂出窍 Out of Body
Paper art installation, 2016
No one has ever seen a soul. Let me visualize a soul.
An out-of-body experience is a separation of the body and mind. You don't feel your body, but you're very conscious. You can think, sense, even see yourself from a distance, like some kind of observation. One soul of the work is temporarily deposited by me, and the other four will stay there to find its body.
The work also inadvertently records a state of "ambiguity", that the studio in which it was created was very narrow, so the work was often in a "not good" state before it was sent to the exhibition or after it was taken back: compressed or split and stored on the wall of the studio. Thus, it was added a more "deposit" meaning. Like a one-off performance, souls seem to have their most substantial form and luster only when they work in the exhibition space.