大地窗花 Paste the Paper-cut to the Earth’s Window
Installation, 2022
After deciding to participate in the Art Field Nanhai, Fenwan and her studio team visited Taiping Street for many times for the project of Hello Walls. However, on the way, she found a beautiful pond near the street. Therefore, it made up her mind and finally contributed to the birth of the second exhibition work, Paste the Paper-cut to the Earth’s Window, which is like a bonus scene, and also presented in the Art Field.
Two of Fenwan's works, Hello, Walls and Paste the Paper-cut to the Earth’s Window, were exhibited at Guangdong Nanhai Art Field 2022. They are located in the Taiping Street in Foshan of southern China, one of the eight exhibition areas selected by the committee.
Originating from the located task and purpose of the Nanhai Art Field, the creation of the works is closely related to the Taiping Street’s historical features. From the day Fenwan received the invitation of the committee to the two artworks finishing, it took half a year.
Photo by Tianfangfang (田方方).
It's a little harder than we think to get the whole piece to float perfectly on the pond and get the pattern to form. In fact, underneath the pattern that is visible, there needs to be hidden the frame structure that establishes the work, which is placed under the water and is the core of Fenwan's conception.
This is the first time she "cuts" high density foam. In order to put the patterns drawn on the plates into the three-month exhibition period of the Art Field, the accuracy of carved lines and colors should be taken into account, as well as the buoyancy, water resistance, firmness and cost.
在布展前的冲刺阶段,两件作品并行筹备,历经整个大创作团队的多次沟通与试验,才最终成功解决高密度泡沫与下方金属骨架的衔接,作品在水面的上方与水中各有分工。这也正如艺术家的工作逻辑—— “我们把工作藏在了背后,直面观众的只是作品的表面”。
In the final stage before exhibition, the two works including Hello, Walls of Fenwan were prepared in parallel. After many communications and experiments by the whole team, the connection between the high-density foam and the metal skeleton below was finally solved successfully. The work has a division of labor on the top of the water and in it. This is just like the logic of the artist -- "We hide our work behind our back, and what we face the audience is only the surface of the work".
"If this body of water is like a window, it looks out onto the vast sky and even the universe. I want to cut a sun, the one carried to the sky by the mythical birds of old, smiling and looking out the window at everything known and unknown."
Unless otherwise noted, all images on this page are from Wonder Studio.