衫 Clothes
Installation, 2020
粤语中,”衫“意为衣服。“好天晾衫”,“落雨收衫”,“着多件衫”,“冷衫”,“饮衫”... 一众用语,无比平常,包含生活百态,却也是每一个人对世界表达态度的载体。
“Shan” means clothes in Cantonese, which is the artist’s mother language. There are lots of local phrases and slang about hanging clothes that reflect citizen’s lifestyle and attitude。
At the same time, the arcade building is a unique modern commercial and residential building in the South, the building that retreats a street passage on the ground floor to create a public pedestrian space. This kind of public space is also the owner's private outdoor space. The owner therefore has to "show" the wet hanging clothes to a contradiction between public and private.
The brand itself of Vans has a trendsetting street feeling that represents the younger generation's more innovative approach to life and the world. The height and narrow space of Vans Guangzhou Tianhuan reminds the artist of the arcade building, the local architecture that is very familiar in her memory. In the arcade along the street, pedestrians often used to look up from the low. The place to be looked up to is reserved for important roles in the world of granted. Here, however, the upward position is reserved for such ordinary objects as the "Shan”.
Chen Fenwan uses light weight, iridescent color, hollow out forms and other materials to express "Shan" with three layers of structure. Wind effect added, to achieve a full sense of vision, but also in more levels to play the characteristics the clothes-hanging scene. The idea is to blend the dominant nature of Vans space with the arcade structure, while simultaneously contrasting the location of the store with the "hanging shirts" of the market, in order to create a rebellious spirit.