10倍的快乐 Tenfold Happiness
Installation, 2022
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Lingnan Tiandi in Foshan, artist Chen Fenwan used the simplest form of paper-cutting to create 120 happy figurines, symbolizing the lasting 120 months in the past. These paper-cut figures are happily holding hands to each other and forming 10 large circles, lingering around this semi-opened area.
From cutting the edges on the paper to the presentation of the final work, there are complicated processes of creative deduction and manual production. The happy figurines in front of the audience can still be regarded as "paper-cuts" in the name of hollowness and symmetry. In addition to the body symmetry of the characters, the movement of them holding hands with each other is not lack of a more relaxed and romantic symmetry.
Hands holding is the key concept for these happy figurines. 10 is 5+5, one of our hands is 5, hand in hand makes it to 10, happiness will be linked by the hearts and doubled.
“这是一道简单的数学题,套用在人与人的情感中,便有了艺术的浪漫。我们渴望对称的情感,我们牵手、我们拥抱,都是对称的行为。除了视觉,对称还在我们的观念里,在我们的意识里,只是现在暂时寄存在这些对称的快乐人仔上。” 对于人与人间亲密有间的动态关系,粉丸这样阐述。
"This is a simple math problem, but there is romance of art when applied to relationships between people. We long for symmetrical emotions. Holding hands and hugging are both symmetrical behaviors. Besides vision, symmetry still exists in our ideas, but for the time being housed in these symmetrical happy figurines." As for the ever changing relationships between people, Fenwan said so.
The first presentation of the series of Tenfold Happiness is located in the public area of Lingnan Tiandi. The challenge of the mobility of the audience and outdoor factors to the paper works is taken into consideration by the artist. These seemingly limiting factors have also led to attempts to combine new materials and structures.
Photo courtesy of Lingnan Tiandi.
Paper, metal, air mold, plastic, different materials due to digital document processing, manual labor and technology, become available for mass production, resulting in a harmonious and corresponding structural relationship. They all start with "paper cuttings," the numerous original pieces of 120 figurines were cut out by the artist.
In the early stage of creation, Fenwan began a long process of continuous paper cutting. One day, she even cut out 60 happy figurines and tried various ways of folding a sheet of paper in half.
When asked how she felt during this process, she said: "the more times you fold a paper in half, the more repeated shapes you would get in one cut. However, because the superposition of paper will reduce the flexibility of scissors, the more times you fold it in half, the less details you can create. This seems to be an inevitable "dilution", a law that has to be acknowledged, and also a reflection that manual labor can bring to people."
In the process of studying paper cutting, Fenwan has found that all kinds of praying dolls are a big category of this kind of art. After meeting a string of paper cuttings called "nobleman" by the Southern people of China, she started her daily work of cutting figurines.
The Chinese traditional paper-cutting dolls are not only decorative but also functional. It is believed that they have the function of praying for good fortune. As a contemporary artist, the new translation of folk art is an important component in the creation of her. "I hope to make use of the charm of traditional art to re-interpret and re-jump from the tradition of paper cutting. The happy figurines are based on this logic. "
Paper cuttings are often used to pray for good fortune and children, but this time the dolls born in the hands of the artist, each with a smiling face, holding hands and praying for nothing but "happiness".
Stories behind Tenfold Happiness
Fenwan often mentions that any art project with a certain volume must be the result of teamwork and collective labor. Right next to the largest installation of them in the central Tiandi Square, the Wonder Studio team presented the whole creation process in detail with the curating idea of restoring their work scene.
Just like the "gain" and "give up" of hollow paper-cutting, when people have the experience of paper-cutting, they can finally imagine the original appearance of the paper through the formed patterns, and also "see" those discarded figures, which is usually a rare viewing habit of the audience. The same is true of the various materials and tools used in the creation process.
From the artist's paper-cut manuscript, to digital transformation and to the completion of exhibition, it has experienced a complex sequence.
"The symmetry created by the screen and the algorithm is instantaneous, rationally efficient and sophisticated. Screens and vectors can magnify an image infinitely, which means that if you do this, you will inevitably get into the description of local details. However, just as the title of the work "tenfold happiness", happiness should be simple and direct, so the creation means to remove the manufacturing complex factors, letting the image production return to the original cutting. Scissors can't compete with a machine for details, but if it's a competition just for happiness, it couldn't lose. Fold a sheet of paper in half, choose between them with scissors, and the law of symmetry will guide you. When you unfold the paper again, you gain joy -- the joy of becoming a creator."
Unless otherwise noted, all images on this page are from Wonder Studio.