The Duck Knows First When Luck Come
小黄鸭 x 陈粉丸
B.duck x Chen Fenwan
Fenwan was invited by the brand B.Duck, hoping to create a breakthrough new image for the little yellow duck. Coinciding with the Spring Festival, the title was named The Duck Knows First When Luck Come. She specially formed it into a combined word with the other visual elements and derivative products.
如何在提取原有形态辨识度的同时,融入剪纸“外衣”造型,是粉丸最为关注的课题。小黄鸭标志性的头部尖尖、眼神中的亮光与头身比被保留,但特别之处是,它的新眼睫毛来自于粉丸的代表作之一 —— 大型空间作品《不息》中,龙头眼部的剪纸造型;而翅膀则化身为「手掌」,这种曾被多次使用、于粉丸而言意味着爱的元素。鸭身佩戴着祥云、葫芦等传统东方意象,色彩却更为鲜艳和颠覆。
How to integrate the paper cutting "coat" while extracting the original characteristic of the duck is the most concerned subject of Fenwan. The B.duck's iconic pointed head, the light in its eyes and the head-body ratio have been retained, but what is special is that its new eyelashes are from the paper-cut shape of a dragon head's eyes in one of her representative works Infinite. And the wings are transformed into "hands", which has been used many times and means love to her. The duck body is wearing traditional Oriental patterns such as auspicious clouds and calabash, but the colors are more vivid and subversive.
右为小黄鸭原有经典形象对比 (部分,由品牌提供) ; 左为粉丸手稿,小黄鸭联名形象分层解析。(未经允许请勿取用)
On the right is a comparison of the original classic image of the little Yellow Duck (part, provided by B.duck).
On the left is the manuscript, analyzed by layers (please do not take without permission).
Compared with the classic image of B.duck, the new shape is still done in the way of paper cutting: key outline is retained, and the rest of the hollowed out to create a breathing sensation. Fenwan selects through the superposition of multi-layer graphics to present colorful pattern details and perspective levels. When the number of layers is adjusted from the bottom to the top, the patterns become more slender.
On: combined word; Lower: Paper-cut "duck" in Chinese character.
In the observation of many Chinese traditional patterns and materials, Fenwan had a strong interest in compound character. It is one of the creation norms to combine multiple characters into a single one without changing the original meaning. People often place good luck on it. At the same time, the compound character The Duck Knows First When Luck Come is from the famous Chinese verse "the duck knows first when the river becomes warm in spring ", fiting the Spring Festival. Thus, the two smoothly combined, connected in the lovely small tip duck head! The character as a kind of paper cutting graphic has become an important part of the theme story.
More than a number of co-branded derivatives !
全新的小黄鸭形象在品牌的加持下,诞生了超多类别超高饱和度的联名衍生品。涵盖家居、摆件及文具用品等,足以在新春之际令 (粉丸的) 房间焕然一新!
In the brand’s support, the new B.Duck image is integrated with a number of categories of colorful co-branded derivatives. Covering home furnishings and stationery, it is enough to refresh your (and the artist’s) room for New Year!
“ 部分传统文化现在被大家遗忘,我认为主要原因并不是形式感和美感的部分,而是价值观取向的部分。作为一个当代人,不可能再围绕不合时宜的价值观进行创造。剪纸的魅力一直都在,需要革新的更多的是观念和意识。阳光下婆娑的树影会告诉你,剪纸镂空的魅力一直储存在人们的记忆里。”
"Part of traditional culture is now forgotten, and I think the main reason is not the sense of form and beauty, but the value orientation. As a contemporary, it is no longer possible to create around anachronistic values. The charm of paper cutting has always been there. What needs to be reformed is more ideas and consciousness. The shadows of trees dancing in the sun will tell you that the charm of paper-cut hollows has been stored in people's memories."
Fenwan often stressed that she would treat and use paper cutting from the perspective of contemporary people. Her works always reveal the aesthetic collectivity of color and hollowed-out schemes, but she also tries to create new sensory experiences from them. Those influences from the present and the everyday combine into her expressive impulses.