Hand In Hand 匠心艺术展 FENDI Peekaboo
Hand In Hand
芬迪 x 陈粉丸
Fendi x Chen Fenwan
Click to play the creation concept video
(由卷宗Wallpaper提供 Courtesy of Wallpaper)
“对称一直以来是我的观察与研究课题,这次的合作我依然带着这个思路展开。而且FENDI Peekaboo本身就是一个有趣的对称物,不分前后。对称平衡是自然的法则,我想用对称的自然图腾来呼应这样的动人设计与美感。”
"Symmetry has always been a focus of my observation and research. I approached this collaboration with that same perspective. The FENDI Peekaboo is itself an intriguing symmetrical object, with no front or back. Symmetrical balance is a natural law, and I wanted to use natural symmetrical totems to resonate with this captivating design and its beauty."
它也将于5月19日至6月16日在FENDI举办的Hand In Hand北京展览中被展出。
As one of three Chinese artists invited by FENDI in 2023 to highlight the cultural legacy of the classic Peekaboo handbag series, Fenwan created a unique pink Peekaboo handbag within this confined space, which, like paper, has both an inside and an outside.
The handbag will also be showcased at the Hand In Hand exhibition in Beijing, hosted by FENDI, from May 19 to June 16.
粉丸创作的FENDI Peekaboo手袋
FENDI Peekaboo Handbag Created by Fenwan
以包身为创作载体的经验更多带来的是“想通” —— 手袋是一个有内与外的空间,纸同样是。一个纸平面对折一下或者卷起来,也都是空间。与粉丸平常创作所要利用的空间一样,需要为之灌装想象力。
Using the handbag as a creative medium has brought about a sense of "realization" — a handbag is a space with both an interior and exterior, much like paper. A sheet of paper can be folded or rolled, transforming it into a space. Like the space Fenwan typically utilizes in her creations, it must be filled with imagination.
On this variable space that can be opened and filled, Fenwan can seamlessly apply her familiar colors and techniques, integrating high-saturation pink tones and intricate, multi-layered papercuts in a staggered arrangement on what she views as "an intriguing symmetrical object with no front or back."
Creation Proposal and Manuscript
The creative inspiration for the handbag partially stems from Fenwan's past works at various stages, such as Mirror and A Symmetrical Nature.
Mirror is one of Fenwan's handmade books from 2015, reflecting her initial approach to using paper at the start of her artistic journey. Seeking to break free from the confined space of flipping and closing an artist's book and explore broader dimensions, she gradually began creating large-scale installations like the A Symmetrical Nature series. Now, in what seems like a deliberate or incidental return to the origins of the artist's book, Fenwan has gathered a wealth of romantic insights into the dynamics of opening and closing generated by the folding of paper.
The handbag resembles a symmetrical micro-forest, akin to one of her representative works since 2019, A Symmetrical Nature. Unlike the handbag, this series has often been showcased in expansive spaces covering hundreds of square meters in recent years.
Folding introduces an inside and an outside — the gesture of creation flows along the contours of the paper cut.
"I believe the fusion of an artist and a brand should introduce a new discourse, and this creation follows that principle. Since the handbag is already part of the artwork, it should be dynamic, breaking through boundaries. I don't seek practicality in art because the utility of the useless is more intriguing. So, if we discuss challenges, the first stroke and the first cut are always difficult, as every time I start, I need to add courage to my skill."

Fenwan crafted the Peekaboo handbag in her new studio, "Wan Super Factory," spending a significant amount of time alone with this fashion item. From nothing to something, her brush gently stroked back and forth, while sheets of colored paper took shape through the delicate choices of the knife tip. Papercutting became a recorder of her body's creative movements.
粉丸受邀出席FENDI“Hand In Hand”匠心艺术展开幕晚会。展览位于北京Temple东景缘,从5月19日持续至6月16日。
Fenwan was invited to the opening night of the FENDI Hand In Hand artisan art exhibition. The exhibition takes place at Temple Dongjingyuan in Beijing and runs from May 19 to June 16.
For your information: In an ancient temple in Beijing, witness the collaboration between Yi craftsmanship and Italian style
Slack Work Status Record
For an artist who works with paper, the question of whether their works are fragile and difficult to preserve often arises. Artist Fenwan's response is: "I never intended to pursue material eternity. I see this fragility and impermanence as akin to our own flesh and blood. I aim to move both myself and the audience in the present moment through my works."