剪纸宇宙从此多了一个SPACE MOLLY
The Paper Universe Now Has a SPACE MOLLY 👨🚀
泡泡玛特 x 陈粉丸
POP MART x Chen Fenwan
** 开箱Vlog **
* Unboxing *
For nearly ten months, Chen Fenwan has been shaping a new constellation in her Paper Universe. In collaboration with POP MART, she unveils the MEGA SPACE MOLLY 1000% CHEN FENWAN, a limited collector’s piece of only 999 figures worldwide. This marks her first venture into art toys, experiencing a new collision of art and trends.
Can imagination be recognized as a form of gravity?
Within Fenwan’s paper universe, imagination acts as a force of attraction, pulling celestial bodies into ever-shifting energy fields. She wraps SPACE MOLLY in intricate cut-out designs, turning paper-cutting into a language of the stars, a code inscribed upon the infinite. Positive and negative spaces dance together, shaping a visual force field where presence and absence balance in perfect harmony.
历经近10个月的酝酿,陈粉丸携手潮玩品牌泡泡玛特共同推出了MEGA 珍藏系列艺术家联名款手办——MEGA SPACE MOLLY 1000% 陈粉丸(全球限量999体)。这是粉丸首次与潮玩品牌合作,体验艺术与潮流的全新碰撞。
在陈粉丸的剪纸宇宙中,想象力化成特殊的引力,牵引着各式星体形成多重能力场。她为SPACE MOLLY披上镂空纹样,让剪纸化作无垠太空中的神秘科幻符号,乾坤之间,正负流转,在取与舍之间创造出独特的视觉力场。
这次MEGA珍藏系列联名款手办创作的主题是为出发前往外太空深处冒险的SPACE MOLLY注入勇敢能量。粉丸将其代表的剪纸艺术融入SPACE MOLLY身穿的航空服中,既有科技感又充满艺术性。采用半透明的设计,附着线条弯曲卷缠的镂空对称图形,粉色和紫色的渐变过渡自然。Molly的模样造型与宇宙无垠的深邃相得益彰,探险家Molly正沿着星云轨迹遨游。
剪纸的正负形取舍关系通过想象力的交互化为宇宙的力场——每一次的手起刀落,都是不可撤回的选择,纸张的延展性犹如太空无尽的边界,每一步都需要勇气和大胆的想象力。正是这种大胆跃入未知的精神,让陈粉丸以鲜明的色彩与细腻的镂空线条,为SPACE MOLLY注入了独特的艺术生命力。
The theme of the creation is modeling a launchpad for courage, sending SPACE MOLLY on an expedition into the farthest reaches of space. Fenwan weaves paper-cutting’s delicate precision into Molly’s spacesuit, blending the fluidity of art with the structure of technology. A semi-transparent design reveals swirling, interlaced cut-out motifs, fading seamlessly from soft pinks to deep purples. Drifting along the pathways of nebulae, Molly’s form echoes the vast, uncharted cosmos.
Through the helmet’s visor, Molly’s signature wide-eyed expression remains, yet something has shifted—her pupils now hold Fenwan’s emblematic sun-smile, a quiet beacon of warmth amid the vast unknown. Look closer through the semi-transparent suit, and another secret emerges: a tiny pink astronaut hidden within her form, a silent navigator charting the way. A talisman of courage. A vessel of infinite imagination.
In Fenwan’s hands, paper-cutting is no longer bound to the page—it shapes gravitational tides in the universe. Every cut is a choice, permanent and absolute. Like space, paper extends infinitely, yet every incision defines its limits. To cut is to commit, to venture beyond fear, to create the uncharted. This same daring leap is what breathes life into SPACE MOLLY, her colors radiating, her latticework patterns forming an ever-shifting cosmos.

除了限量版联名手办外,粉丸还受邀创作了一幅剪纸架上作品,由泡泡玛特收藏。粉丸以“SPACE MOLLY宇宙观”为灵感,描绘了Molly在宇宙中收集引力的奇妙旅程:剪纸形状通过正负流转的方式交互,象征行星因想象力吸引而靠近或远离,最终在镂空纹样中凝聚独特的轨迹。
当艺术遇见潮流,当剪纸穿越宇宙,这一次,陈粉丸与SPACE MOLLY以纸为能量,让想象力成为引力,艺术与潮玩共同起航,向着未知的可能性无限延展。
Alongside the figure, Fenwan was commissioned to create a single edition unique art piece, now part of POP MART’s private collection. Inspired by SPACE MOLLY’s magical journey to collect gravitational force, the piece envisions a universe where planets orbit and drift not by physics, but by imagination. In the delicate weave of positive and negative space, celestial bodies pull toward one another or break away, etching an unseen force into paper itself.
Fenwan constructs a layered paper-cut tableau, placing Molly within a dreamlike cosmos infused with traditional Chinese motifs—swirling clouds, luminous constellations, and familiar emblems of luck and nostalgia: gourds, folding fans, candied hawthorn, Chinese knots. The electric glow of fluorescent colors burns against a deep violet-black backdrop, pulling viewers into a surreal, infinite expanse. The closer you look, the deeper the world becomes—an invitation to wander, wonder, and explore.
"The way paper stretches is like the way space unfolds—endless, limitless. Every cut is a decision that cannot be undone. Just like stepping into the unknown, it demands both courage and imagination." says Fenwan.
When art meets pop culture and paper cutting paper crosses the cosmos, Chen Fenwan and SPACE MOLLY embark on a journey fueled by paper and imagination. This collaboration propels art and art toys into uncharted possibilities, stretching infinitely toward the unknown.
Fenwan’s manuscripts and details of the work
Molly 魔力花絮
Fenwan on a factory tour—color mixing and selection in full swing!
If you’ve unboxed the 1000% collab figure, take a peek at the soles! 🤭
Off to Singapore! Get ready to host a special workshop!
艺术家/ 陈粉丸
项目总监/ 泽锋
行政及制作统筹/ 泽凡
项目经理/ 君君
执行助理/ 慧萍 华哥 阿婷 阿晓
文案、翻译及编辑/ 碳酸盐
视频与照片/ 丸工作室 泡泡玛特
Artist Team: Wonder Studio
Artist/ Chen Fenwan
Project Manager/ Zefeng
Administration Specialist/ Zefan
Project Director/ A Jun
Assistants/ Huiping, Bro Hua, A Ting, Lin Xiao
Photo & Article
Copywriter & Translator/ Shiyi
Image Credit/ Wonder Studio, POP MART