Chen Fenwan, a paper artist
Exhibited in Art Field Nanhai Guangdong 2024.
"坐埋同一条船" is a Cantonese idiom meaning “in the same boat”—a metaphor for shared destiny and mutual support. It signifies unity and collective action, highlighting the determination to unite as a community.
Hand shadows, a traditional folk children's game.
In this work, Chen Fenwan explores the concept of imitation, reflecting on her own childhood growth and artistic learning journey, both of which resemble the performance of hand shadows--a form of mimicry.
Ancestors believed that the sun was carried by birds to the sky, combining the flight of birds with the movement of the sun in a vivid way. Chen Fanwan loves this innocence and also loves the sun. And naively asked: when is the distance between us and the sun closest? She finally answered with this piece of work.
Exhibited in Art Field Nanhai Guangdong 2022.
The traces left on buildings are the "carving" made by time like the knife pushed forward by history at a certain moment. By observing and collecting the traces of peeling skin on the outside walls of Taiping Ruins, the artist extracts the copy as paper cutting. She creates a collection of earthly historical moments, fragments of memory, flickering and overlapping.
“我觉得或许就像一个窗户之于一个房间的重要性一样,一片大地如果有一个水域,就透了。 我想为这个大地上的一面小窗户贴上我的剪纸,就像贴窗花一样。 如果把这个水域比作窗户,那它看出去就是广阔的天空甚至是宇宙。 ”
Exhibited in Art Field Nanhai Guangdong 2022.
“It is like a window to a room, that a body of water can bring transparency to the land. I hope to paste my paper cut on the water like we usually do on windows. And if we regard it as the earth’s window, we could look out on the vast sky and even the universe.”
Paper-cutting is the art of choice: cut some paper, so that the remaining will be left. On display are the preserved positive forms, drawn from a large library of cut-outs that Chen Fenwan has created over the past decade. And the real paper Cutting universe, in fact, is those abandoned, recessive negative form.

Series of Symmetry 2022
"10 is 5+5, one of our hands is 5, hand in hand is 10, happiness is doubled by heart connection.
"This is a simple math problem, but there is romance of art when applied to relationships between people. We long for symmetrical emotions. Holding hands and hugging are both symmetrical behaviors. Besides vision, symmetry still exists in our ideas, but for the time being housed in these symmetrical happy figurines."

Through programming traction, the sun, moon and stars, rotates out of the vortex. The artist tries to make the audience's view perpendicular to the "front" of the universe, even talking to the stars and looking at the contour level.
Chen Fenwan moved her research topic "Symmetry" 2,000 kilometers away to Tianjin. As a resident artist, she carried out a 2-month investigation and creation plan, and transformed the local culture into nutrients, which was presented in her final work Jintian In Tianjin.
Symmetrical Nature: Stars
We look upon the sky often, also try to get closer to each other, transiting between the intense red and mild white.
The two artworks will be exhibited in Mickey: The True Original Exhibition World Tour Chengdu Stop at Taikoo Li Chengdu, China during 1 Nov. 2021 to 20 Feb. 2022.

陈粉丸以 “方形”和“圆形”为灵感,以纸为媒介,通过不断 重复平面来冲破维度,组成一道无限的层叠空间,创 造有限空间里的无限之花。
“She deploys continuous repetition to create an unconstrained artistic statement of boundlessness.”
How Can One Approach Infinity? Only Imagination May Reach It.
The work Infinite explores themes connected to space: its display considers coexistence with each space. It embodies the artist's imaginative interpretation of infinity within finite spaces.

Lucky Garden
“If palm print is a sign of destiny, then "turning lucky" is actually a psychological hint against it.”
Through paper art, Chen Fenwan extracts the unique plant elements of Chengdu, and surreal grafting techniques to make all the plants grow out of bamboo, creating a bubble forest like a dream in the future.